Vignettes — #17

Libby & Brett

Daan Spijer
3 min readOct 3, 2020
© Daan Spijer

Libby is in her bedroom, writing an essay for her year twelve French class. The doorbell rings. She finishes a sentence and goes to see who it is — no-one else is home.

She opens the front door and stares. “Brett! What? I mean … I wasn’t expecting… I mean … sorry, come in.”

Brett looks taken aback as he walks past Libby into the hallway. She closes the door and looks at him, blinking rapidly.

Brett looks unsure of himself. “I thought I’d come and talk, because you know … I haven’t seen you since … that night.”

“Yeah, I know. I haven’t seen you either. I mean …” she blushes. “Want to come in? I mean … you’re in … would you like a drink or something?”

Brett shakes his head.

Libby walks towards the lounge room and beckons him to follow. They sit awkwardly on opposite couches.

“Why … why did you come?” Libby asks.

“I just had to talk to you and … I … I asked Abby if you were okay. She said to find out for myself, but she made me promise I wouldn’t do anything stupid. I wouldn’t anyway.”

Libby nods. “So, what …?”

“I wanted to talk about the other night. You know …”



Daan Spijer

Lawyer, mediator, award-winning writer and photographer, living with his wife Sally in Mt Eliza, (south of Melbourne) Australia