Daan Spijer
1 min readNov 16, 2017


Thank you, Gail. You also have a great eye for the things that are easily (dis)missed and for turning the perhaps ordinary into something beautiful and perhaps thoughtful, certainly thought-provoking.

Photography is one of my passions. It goes back to when I was a child. My father was a professional photographer in the late ’50s to mid ’60s. We had out own darkroom, so I was privy to the magic of the emerging print. I graduated through increasingly good cameras, from black-and-white 2¼" square format to 35 mm black-and-white (at uni) to colour negative to slides.

I won an Olympus OM-1 in the mid-’80s and, when good quality film stock became harder to find and more expensive to have processed, I went over to compact digital. I know work with a Canon 5D with ‘norma’, macro and 400 mm tele lenses.

I look for the unusual, the things we so often walk past or just don‘;’t notice. Photography for me is about framing reality, from the large to the small, the mundane and the extraordinary — much of the mundane can be made extraordinary with a fresh or unusual perspective.

Photography sits comfortably alongside writing for me, as both are ways of opening windows onto the world.



Daan Spijer
Daan Spijer

Written by Daan Spijer

Lawyer, mediator, award-winning writer and photographer, living with his wife Sally in Mt Eliza, (south of Melbourne) Australia

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